New Shamballa


What is Shamballa ?

There has always been a tradition on the Earth of Spiritual Teachers of great Wisdom and Power, who at certain times in the history of the Earth and Humanity, have appeared to lead the world into the possibility of a new age of joy and prosperity.

There has always been a tradition on the Earth of Spiritual Teachers of great Wisdom and Power, who at certain times in the history of the Earth and Humanity, have appeared to lead the world into the possibility of a new age of joy and prosperity.

Each of these Masters emerge from a Conclave of Light and Wisdom. Many have spoken about this place as being in the Himalayas or in the etheric above the Gobi desert. All of these legends holds an aspect of the true, for this centre of Wisdom and Knowledge permeates everywhere on the Earth.

Don’t we see or experience it, this collective consciousness which holds the ‘blue print’ for an empowerment through Love and Wisdom?

The key of admittance to this place is within your very heart, it is encoded into your DNA so that at the precise moment in your life that you need guidance, that you call out for meaning in your life, the key turns and the Light starts to flood into your being.

A cry has gone out from your heart and you reading this is the response. In this workshop the Wisdom of all the Masters of Humanity is available to you; they are but a breath away. Never before, in the history of Humanity on Earth, has this place been available as it is today. We are all growing up, we are coming of age and embracing who we truly are, we are seeking this connection as never before to that magical place —



the diamond light of unconditional love. With this comes absolute personal power, harmony and freedom.

a way of being and living. As taught by the old Tibetan Buddhist tradition, it is the way of living our lives as the Spiritual Warrior. This means living consciously and with gentle loving discipline for ourselves.A place in time and space that you could call a city of perfection, a place where all is LOVE, harmony and balance. It exists on all levels and is said to have existed in the mountains of Tibet.Where we can find all the rays of Creation, all the primordial energies which have been incarnated in those beings we have called the Ascended Masters.the will and wisdom that enables God’s plan to unfold on earth and thus experience ourselves as greater beings of LOVE.

13 ATTUNEMENTS This workshop integrates you into all 13 dimensional vibrations of Shamballa’s pure diamond light and love. The teacher brings in the energies of Shamballa in 13 separate attunements, one for each dimension. It is a process that enables the participants to feel and experience the Shamballa Love that they hold on each dimensional level.

It is an awakening into the multi-dimensional self.

To hold these energies a clearing and activation of D.N.A . is needed. The attunement often opens people up as channels. These are very powerful energies first brought to the earth by St Germain through Hari Baba Melchizedek in May 2000. Christine adds to these energies the gentle LOVE of the Angelic kingdom.

Workshops New Shamballa

The New Shamballa – The Realisation of Heaven on Earth – Living as a Master

The 13 dimensions of creation and 13 attunements to the Energy of the Unconditional Love of each dimension.

There are no prerequisites for this class

This is a certificated workshop confirming the participant as a multi dimensional healer. For those fulfilling the criteria on the web site a teaching certificate will be given. There is a free work book and teacher’s manual available.

For 2012 and beyond all we need is Love

Enlightenment and Ascension is the apparent process of reversing the fall from Oneness. We have been sold the ideas that we are not good enough and need to heal or improve. You are Divinely perfect now, but do you really believe this? LOVE: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the opening to see this. That is the secret of Shamballa and the revealing of this secret is the gift of this workshop.

Love is the gateway to Freedom

New in 2012: We have always included a connection to the Inner Earth known as ‘Agarta’ but I believe that there will be a deeper connection made and that something new will happen in the workshop.

The Dimensions: There is a lot of confusion and miss-information about the nature of the different dimensions. A clear understanding of creation bring s a firm bases for all spiritual philosophies giving you the foundation for your own spiritual understanding and freedom. Knowledge is power taking you out of the fear of the unknown and false obstacles to your own truth. Knowing how multi-dimensional we really are brings clarity and power and freedom form fear.

Your Galactic Family : There is a great deal of wisdom, Love and support waiting when we re-connect to our Galactic Family. They are part of our ancestors.

Channelling: Learn to be a clear channel.

It is a continual amazing to me that I have been honoured with the gift of presenting this unique workshop.  I accept this honour and gift which has been confirmed in many ways during my life, including a very special initiation and naming when taking the Sannyasin oath in India.

The ascension process that is taking place for this planet and humanity at the moment, is due to an astrological alignment which has caused our solar system to be flooded with the same light energy that was here at the time of Atlantis.  We are moving into a photon band which has come from the centre of our Galaxy.  This energy can be used to create one of the two great opposites FEAR or LOVE. It simply magnifies or light up what is already in our consciousness.  Fear creates the evolution of separation; the evolution of separation creates Ego.  The choice that was made around 13,000 years ago, which created the fall of Atlantis, was to choose Ego.

Part of the ascension process, which will continue for some time, is the opportunity to choose again, individually and collectively!

Have you got the tools to live totally with out fear?

New Shamballa : Workshop Details

In the apparent chaos of the world at the moment, it is vital that we have the resources and information required to rise above it and learn how to “realise” heaven on earth.  This is the process of the ascension and it is only through each of us acting and living as spiritual warriors that this, indeed, can actually take place.

The wisdom of the spiritual warrior has been held in Tibet since the fall of Atlantis.  The Zen philosophy, which underpins the realisation and indeed the truth, that heaven is here on earth now, is one of the main parts of this workshop.

The unique aspect of this workshop is that these teachings are integrated into our consciousness through initiations and attunements given by, the collective consciousness of Shamballa as held by the Ascended Masters, The Galactic Masters and The Angelic Kingdom. Although they are absolutely not done by her, it is Christine’s unique gift to be able to hold the space for these attunements.

For all of those seeking self-knowledge these initiations truly sever our connections to attachment.

The 1st dimension of gravity is the pull to the still small point.
The 2nd dimension of the devic and elemental kingdom.
The 3rd dimension as the materialisation of Divine design and geometries.
The 4th dimension of the emotional body and gateway to spiritual wisdom.
The 5th dimension of mind and this creative potential through love, overlighted by Palladian consciousness.
The 6th dimension held by Syrian consciousness of the divine archetypes.
The 7th dimension of the sound of the spheres generated by our galactic cycles.
The 8th dimension of the language of light.
The 9th dimension of eternal Samadhi.
The 10th dimension with the knowing of the divine self.
The 11th dimension with the information highways of light.
The 12th dimension and the becoming of oneness.
The 13th dimension of completion and new beginnings.

For all of those seeking self-knowledge the initiations in this workshop sever connections in consciousness to our attachment. Indeed there is seen to be no self.

“Guidance and Instruction for clear channelling”
“Connection to your Galactic Family”
“A deep esoteric understanding of the nature of dimensional reality.”

Christine Core, with her husband Kevin are the co-founder of Angelic Reiki and together they have been international teachers for over five years. Kevin left this incarnation on 2 June 2009. He has truly returned to his essence as an aspect of the Archangel Yophiel and from that place intimately and profoundly touches everyone who does these workshops, especially through myself his wife, beloved and twin flame.

I Helena Ferm has done my New Shamballa Workshop for Christine Core and Liliann Karlström

Received the Teachers Certificate in September 2014

New Shamballa Workshop 

This Workshop Contents :13 Attunements,Archangel Michael Carma Cutting and Channeling.Meditation and exchanges of healing and our own spiritual warrior,in unconditional love for five wonderful days.It is a great gift to receive and understand the key to unconditional love that all is within ourselfs and for us to connect to in this lifetime here on earth and living consciously with gentle loving discipline for ourselves.

Date :

Time : 10:00 – 17:30 all days

Investment : 540 £

Deposit : £ 100  non -refundable if the participant decides for to not attend at the workshop

Last day for registration :

Please contact : Helena Ferm on cellphone 0044 – 74 84770635 for further information

Mail : 

Cumbria United Kingdom

Hearty Welcome ♥

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